Tour Reviews

Hut to Hut guided tour in the High Tatras

Good evening Bara

We enjoyed the treks from hut to hut.
Roman is great,His caring and kindness made our trip more enjoyable and for that we are grateful.

Tamir with family, Israel

- rating 5

Hut to Hut guided Tour in the High Tatras

Hi Bara,
We are still traveling, so i missed your mail.
Yuray was nice, responsible and we felt we were in good hands. We had bad weather, but we made the best of it...

Thank you

Golan from Israel

- rating 5

Hut to hut guided tour in the High Tatras

High Tatras - Hut to hut guided tour

The hiking tour was great and we enjoyed every moment.
Roman is a wonderful guide and thanks to hime we had a wonderful experience in the high tatras
Our only comment is regarding the pension in Poprad which is not good at all.

Besides that everything was perfect.

Thanks and best regards to Roman.

Michal and Tsachi from Israel

- rating 4

High Tatras and Slovak Paradise custom guided tour

Slovak Paradise National Park
A week ago,I came back from Slovakia.
We were a group of 19 people,at the ages of 48 to 97 y.o. We came with our tour guide from ISRAEL.

We had a wonderful trek!!!!

Our trek was very well organized by SLOVAKIA TRAVEL.
We slept in good hotels and ate good meals.We were taken by bus from place to place. On the fifth day we visited Slovakia Paradise-The whole trek felt like Paradise! Yan,the Slovakian tour guide was sweet, generous and kind. He treated us well. He made sure we will taste Tatratea and local cheese.
He taught us songs and told us stories.He even took us to swim in a lake. He did all to fulfill our dream to swim in Slovakia.

Most important ; He made sure we will be back home safely and happily.

Tamar from Israel

- rating 5

High Tatras custom guided tour

Hi, hey Barbora, how are you?

I wanted to say a few things

1. Personally, I wanted to thank you and Lenka, All the way your service was good, courteous, honest, clear and reliable with smart advice and quick answers so thank you very much.

2. Jan The guide was wonderful, honest and kind, energetic, thoughtful, sensitive, loving people and loving Slovakia, I had the pleasure of working with him.

Regards also to dear Martin.

All the best.

Daniel from Israel

- rating 5

Hut to hut tour in the High Tatras

Hut to hut tour in the High Tatras
Dear Lenka,

It was a pity about the weather forcing us to curtail the trek but it did give us extra time to see your country. I regret not being able to complete the High Tatras trek but thoroughly enjoyed what we saw of it. You have a beautiful country. I will just have to come back!
Many thanks for all the help that Anton gave us. He was a great guide, good company, caring and always willing to help. He was much appreciated.
I attach a few photos.
Thank you again for a memorable holiday.

Tony from UK

- rating 5

Individualy Adapted from Hut to Hut Tour in the High Tatras

Martin and Lenka

Good afternoon

We are all back safe and well and enjoyed our trek in the Tatras.

There was a lot more snow than we expected which meant we couldn’t go to the peaks or the high pass above Zelenom Plese but we managed to reach our destination after a 24km route!

The Pension and the Huts were very good and the food was excellent

Thank you to you both for all your help

Richard, Paul, Andy, Mark and Tim from UK

- rating 5

From Hut to Hut High Tatras Tour for 7 Persons

High Tatras Hut to hut guided trip
Lieber Adam,

jetzt sind wir schon 3 Wochen wieder am arbeiten, denken aber sehr gern an unsere schöne Wanderung in der Hohen Tatra zurück.

Durch deine liebe, freundliche und tolerante Art (du hast uns nie gehetzt, wenn wir mit dem "Kramen" mal wieder nicht fertig wurden... haben wir uns bei dir wohl gefühlt. Du hast uns die Slowakei, die Natur und die Menschen nah gebracht. Wir waren sehr begeistert von den netten jungen Slowaken, die auf den Hütten arbeiten. Bitte gib unseren Dank an diese Menschen weiter, wenn du das nächste Mal auf den Hütten bist. Ihr alle habt dafür gesorgt, dass wir einen schönen, fordernden (wir als Flachländer sind das Wandern über das Blockgestein und die Steinstufen ja nicht so gewöhnt...) und erholsamen Urlaub hatten. Vielen Dank dafür!!! Lieben Dank auch noch mal für den kleinen Einkaufsbummel in Poprad! Übrigens können wir verstehen, dass du gern ein modernes Buff haben wolltest und es sieht sehr schön aus aber uns hat dein Tuch auch sehr gut gefallen! Es hatte so was Traditionelles...

Nach dieser Wanderung waren wir noch für 3 Tage in Zakopane und in der polnischen Tatra. Es war gut, es kennen zu lernen, aber es hat uns nicht so gut gefallen. Zakopane hat zwar sehr hübsche und interessante Häuser, aber es ist völlig überlaufen. Menschenmassen!!! Auch die Tatra ist schrecklich voll. Überall Menschenschlangen... Wenn wir noch mal wieder kommen, werden wir auf jeden Fall wieder in den slowakischen Teil der Hohen Tatra kommen.

Wir wünschen dir für deine Zukunft alles Gute! Mit deiner Passion und deinen Begabungen wirst du sicher viel für den Tourismus in der Slowakei tun

Herzliche Grüße, Andrea & Christian from Germany

- rating 5