Hiking in Slovakia (Travel Blog)

Slovak Paradise & Best of the High Tatras Tour

Best of High Tatras Tour

peopleGuided tour

today1 June - 31 October, 2025

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High Tatras Walking Holiday for All Seasons - Tatra Mountains Escape

High Tatras Walking Holiday

peopleGuided tour

todayFebruary - November, 2025

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National Parks of Slovakia

National Parks of Slovakia

peopleGuided tour

today1 June - 31 October, 2025

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Enjoy journey across the breadth of the Carpathian mountain range. There is selection of walks and hikes that will introduce you to the diverse landscapes and cultures of the Carpathians. The Carpathians begin to rise in earnest in a jumble of forest-clad ridges. You can choose hiking in the largest national park – the Low Tatras, national park with the highest peaks – the High Tatras, the most varied national park – the Slovak Paradise, the northest and smallest – the Pieniny National Park, the wildest - the Muranska Planina National Park. These mountains are included in itineraries of our Slovakia tours.

High Tatras

High Tatras

The High Tatras are the only mountains in Slovakia with apline character. Tatras have all the features of mountain landscape - the altitude and high topography. High Tatras offers a wealth of different forms of rock - shields, rock walls, towers and turrets to admire. Area of the High Tatras covers 341 km2 (260 km2 Slovakia , Poland 81 km2). The highest peak of High Tatras is Gerlach Peak (2,655 m). Length of the main ridge of the High Tatras is 26 km. The average altitude of the main ridge of the High Tatras is approximately 2,200 meters. The most visited attraction is a ride by a cable car up to the Lomnicky Peak (2,634 m) - not accessible on foot. It is the second highest peak of the High Tatras. All hiking trails are marked by red, blue, green or yellow signs. (Movement in and around settlements and on public roads is free of restrictions.) The most visited peaks are: Gerlachovský štít, Jahňací štít, Kôprovský štít, Kriváň, Lomnický štít, Ostrva, Predné Solisko, Rysy, Slavkovský štít, Východná Vysoká, Veľká Svišťovka. The most visited valleys are: Bielovodská dolina, Dolina Siedmich prameňov, Dolina Zeleného plesa, Furkotská dolina, Javorová dolina, Kôprová dolina, Malá Studená dolina, Mengusovská dolina, Mlynická dolina, Skalnatá dolina, Tichá dolina, Velická dolina, Veľká Studená dolina.

Low Tatras

Low Tatras

Low Tatras are the second most visited mountains in Slovakia. Low Tatras mountain range extends over a length of 80 km direction from west to east between picturesque valleys of Vah and Hron rivers. Three main ridges achieve height of 2,000 m with the highest peaks Ďumbier (2,043 m), Chopok (2,024 m), Dereše (2,004 m), Chabenec (1,955 m) and Kráľova Hoľa (1,948 m) . Nevertheless, especially in the eastern part , between saddle of Čertovica and Kráľova Hoľa, there are primeval forests with a lot of wild animals, including the bear. These almost untouched forests offers many interesting hike trails. Very attractive is ridge from Chopok to Čertovica , which provides magnificent views of the valleys to the north and the south .

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise National Park is situated in the eastern part of Slovakia. Originally, the whole region of the national park was a large territory, later divided by the rivers (Hornád and Hnilec) and the creeks (Veľký Sokol, Suchá Belá, Biely potok) into several larger and smaller plateaux (Glac, Geravy). During the thousands of years the creeks formed gorges with waterfalls (Kyseľ, Piecky, Sokolia dolina), that are typical for the Slovak Paradise. On the plateaux, there you can find a large spectrum of karst formations, underground caves and holes (Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa-Dobšinská Ice Cave, Stratenská jaskyňa-Stratenská Cave, Medvedia jaskyňa-Bear Cave). The most visited route is in the northern part of the Slovak Paradise where are situated two main tourist centres of this region: Čingov and Podlesok. They are connected together with15 km long attractive marked route, leading through the canyon along the Hornád river. Through the canyon you get following the green marked path of the Mountain rescue service. You will walk through a very narrow valley with 150 m high slopes on the both sides - on some places just a few metres far apart. The highest waterfall is Zavojovy waterfall falling from rocks 65 m high into the valley in Sokolia dolina (Falcon Ravine).



Pieniny are a part of klippen area, that is situated in between of inner as well as outer Carpathian Mountains. The whole calcareous range stretches for more than 30 km from west to east but is no more than 5 km wide. The most spectacular section of the Pieniny Mountains is transboundary protected - Pieniny National Park. The best known peaks are the Tri koruny (982 m above sea level), the Sokolica and Czertezik, both rising to about 1,000 m above sea level, and all towering about 300 m above the level of the River Dunajec. All the peaks are famous for their breathtaking views. Many tourists have enjoyed a rafting trip on the Dunajec River in the summer months. This attraction, usually open from 1st of April till 31 of October, has been trilling visitors for more than 165 years.

Muranska planina

Muranska planina

Muran Plateau National Park with uncountable threatened plant and animal species is a unique karstic relief. The territory contains numerous karstic springs, swallow holes and jets, more than 300 caves and 15 abysses. Wild horses of the Slovak breed Norik muránsky can be seen mainly on Veľká Lúka. One of the entrances to the national park is Muráň village, above which the ruins of the Muráň castle are preserved. Muráň castle is located on top of Cigánka cliff.

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